The Onega district was established in 1929. It is located in the North-West of the Arkhangelsk region by the Onega river banks and the White Sea shore. The square of the region is 23700 km2, the population is about 32000 people. It consists of 8 municipal parts and 93 settlements and border on the Republic of Karelia, the Plesetsk district & the district of Primorie. The administrative center is an old port-town Onega (20000 people). The most important river is the Onega River. The type of climate: moderately-continental. The average-monthly temperature of July: +16,4oC (33,8оF), of January: -10,5oС (13,1оF). There are such minerals as clay, peat, spring water, sand-gravel & sand for building, gold & platinum; such marketable fish as salmon, trout, Baltic whitefish, hunchback salmon and such animals as elk, hare, wolf, bear and birds as wood grouse, blackcock and grouse. The Onega district has many highways and railways, seaways and river networks. Today the seaport of Onega has the most important meaning in the Arkhangelsk development complex of Finland-Belomorsk-Arkhangelsk as big timber processing center and the key transport hub in the North-West of this region. At the same time Onega is a geographic center of unique natural complex so it makes The Onega District a very perspective territory for sports, ecological, cultural, scientific, health-improving tourism and for investments in objects of tourist infrastructure.
Cable code of The Onega district: 8(81839)